What Is Accreditation?
Home / What Is Accreditation?An institution, programme, or entity can be officially recognised for its quality, integrity, and efficacy by receiving accreditation from an outside organization.
It acts as a voluntary way to make sure the accredited body complies with the strict standards and requirements outlined by the accrediting organization. Accreditation is frequently used to build credibility, ensure quality, and give the public, employers, and other stakeholders a level of confidence in a variety of disciplines, including education, healthcare, engineering, and other professions.
Academic accreditation in the US is optional, distributed, and handled by numerous non-profit, non-governmental organizations. A team of qualified professionals from academia or industry normally conducts an external quality evaluation as the process of academic accreditation's conclusion. These professionals give of their time, expertise, and professional knowledge to this process of quality control and continual enhancement of education in respective fields.

How is an ITEPAC accreditation different?
ITEPAC accreditation is given to programs only, instead of degrees, colleges, individuals or institutions. It is a type of quality control for courses in engineering, computing, engineering technology, and applied and natural science. Our accreditation is regarded as proof that a programme complies with the requirements established by its technical profession on a global scale.